Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2022, Vol. 1(1) 1-17

Investigation of the Effect of Memory Games on Reasoning Skills of Teacher Candidates

Ayşe Sardohan, Fadimana Topbaş, Kevser Nergiz & Atilla Özdemir

pp. 1 - 17   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 29, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 237/959   |   Single/Total Download: 459/1.467


Memory games are a type of intelligence game that require fast thinking and practical problem-solving skills and are generally referred to as games that aim to improve mental skills. Intelligence games are a whole group of games that appeal to the brain's fast thinking and decision-making characteristics. These games are found to be very useful for increasing visual and verbal development. In addition to visual or verbal memory, memory games are called games that use neurological memory, cognitive, problem-solving, and predicting abilities in an individual, mutual, or team game. Memory games are of great importance in math education. The benefits of memory games for problem-solving skills cannot be denied. According to Umay and Kaf (2005), problem-solving and math cannot be considered separately. To thoroughly learn and succeed in math is through mathematical problem-solving and thinking. This article has been prepared to help primary school math teacher candidates gain proficiency in problem-solving skills while performing moves in the games, to be able to look at strategies from a multi-dimensional perspective and to be aware of problem-solving skills they can use to win. A total of 10 different questions were applied in the form of a pre-test and a post-test, and the students filled out the problem-solving scale. The aim was to monitor the development of mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills before and after the training. When the data obtained after the game process was examined, it was observed that memory games contributed positively to the mathematical problem-solving skills of teacher candidates during the training process.

Keywords: Math Education, Mathematical Problem-Solving, Memory Games, Predicting, Processing Ability

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Sardohan, A., Topbas, F., Nergiz, K., & Ozdemir, A. (2022). Investigation of the Effect of Memory Games on Reasoning Skills of Teacher Candidates. Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 1(1), 1-17.

Sardohan, A., Topbas, F., Nergiz, K. and Ozdemir, A. (2022). Investigation of the Effect of Memory Games on Reasoning Skills of Teacher Candidates. Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 1(1), pp. 1-17.

Chicago 16th edition
Sardohan, Ayse, Fadimana Topbas, Kevser Nergiz and Atilla Ozdemir (2022). "Investigation of the Effect of Memory Games on Reasoning Skills of Teacher Candidates". Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 1 (1):1-17.

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