Research article | Open Access
Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2024, Vol. 3(1) 26-44
pp. 26 - 44 | DOI:
Publish Date: June 30, 2024 | Single/Total View: 152/715 | Single/Total Download: 260/914
This study investigates the availability and utilization of instructional materials for teaching mathematics in senior secondary schools in Saki, Oyo State, Nigeria. Employing a descriptive survey research design, the research includes 127 mathematics teachers from both public and private schools in Saki East and West Local Government Areas. The research instrument, the Availability and Utilization of Instructional Materials Questionnaire (AUIMQ), was adapted from Okobia (2011) and undergoes rigorous validation. The instrument was validated by five experts and had a reliability coefficient of 0.91 using Pearson correlation. The researcher obtained informed consent from the principals and teachers at the sampled schools and ensured ethical issues such as anonymity, privacy, and confidentiality. The data were analysed using frequency, percentage, and chi-square statistics at 0.05 level of significance. Results reveal that 57.1% of the sampled instructional materials are available, emphasizing a notable scarcity. Additionally, 52.4% of the available materials are effectively utilized, highlighting room for improvement in instructional practices. Gender-based disparities among teachers indicate a significant difference in the use of instructional materials. Notably, qualified teachers demonstrate more effective utilization compared to their unqualified counterparts, and experienced teachers outperform less experienced ones in utilizing instructional materials. Recommendations include policy interventions to enhance material availability, targeted professional development for teachers to improve utilization, and strategies to address gender-based disparities. Furthermore, efforts to upgrade the qualifications of teachers and promote knowledge exchange among educators are suggested to ensure uniform and effective use of instructional materials. The study's findings contribute valuable insights for educational stakeholders and policymakers, emphasizing the need for interventions to optimize the impact of instructional materials on mathematics education in the study area.
Keywords: Availability, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Utilization
APA 7th edition
Ameen, K.S., Abdullahi, K., & Gbadamosi, K.H. (2024). Availability and Utilization of Instructional Materials for Teaching Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 3(1), 26-44.
Ameen, K., Abdullahi, K. and Gbadamosi, K. (2024). Availability and Utilization of Instructional Materials for Teaching Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 3(1), pp. 26-44.
Chicago 16th edition
Ameen, Khadijat Saka, Kehinde Abdullahi and Kehinde Hussain Gbadamosi (2024). "Availability and Utilization of Instructional Materials for Teaching Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools in Nigeria". Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 3 (1):26-44.
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