Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2024, Vol. 3(1) 1-25

Racial Disparities in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Exams: A Trend Analysis Using Participation Disparity Indices

Kadir Bahar, Tarek Cy Grantham, Margaret Easom Hines & Joy Lawson Davis

pp. 1 - 25   |  DOI:

Publish Date: June 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 94/255   |   Single/Total Download: 172/279


Advanced academics such as Advanced Placement (AP) program, have served as a natural curriculum delivery option for motivated and talented high school students for decades. However, prior studies have indicated that students from certain racial groups have been historically unrepresented in these prestigious programs (Shores et al., 2019). Despite vast number of studies on racial disparities in these programs, research investigating the direction and magnitude of racial disparities is scarce. In this study, the authors analyzed data of over 10,000,000 students who participated in the Advanced Placement (AP) mathematics exams from 1997 to 2020 using trend analysis across races to understand the magnitude and direction of the excellence gaps. Our findings indicated that Native American, Black, and Hispanic students have been widely underrepresented in all AP mathematics exams across years; however, the trend analysis showed significant upward trends for Native American, Hispanic, Black students. Possible impacts of these findings within the context of the underrepresentation in STEM fields were also discussed.

Keywords: Racial Disparities, Advanced Placement, high achievement, excellence gaps, participation disparities, advanced mathematics, advanced academics

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APA 7th edition
Bahar, K., Grantham, T.C., Hines, M.E., & Davis, J.L. (2024). Racial Disparities in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Exams: A Trend Analysis Using Participation Disparity Indices . Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 3(1), 1-25.

Bahar, K., Grantham, T., Hines, M. and Davis, J. (2024). Racial Disparities in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Exams: A Trend Analysis Using Participation Disparity Indices . Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 3(1), pp. 1-25.

Chicago 16th edition
Bahar, Kadir, Tarek Cy Grantham, Margaret Easom Hines and Joy Lawson Davis (2024). "Racial Disparities in Advanced Placement (AP) Mathematics Exams: A Trend Analysis Using Participation Disparity Indices ". Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 3 (1):1-25.


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