Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2023, Vol. 2(1) 43-71

Novice Elementary Teachers' Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning: Addressing Misconceptions

Evans Kofi Hokor, Justice Yawson Mensah & Francisco Rodríguez-Alveal

pp. 43 - 71   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 15, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 57/504   |   Single/Total Download: 85/787


This study evaluates the probabilistic and statistical reasoning of novice teachers about some basic concepts in statistics. For this purpose, a mixed methodology was used through a quantitative, qualitative approach, in which a non-probabilistic sample of 248 novice teachers was considered. The number consists of 108 men and 140 women from three Colleges of Education. Quantitatively, the study compared the mean reasoning scores of male and female teachers in statistical and probabilistic knowledge using a t-test for independent samples, while qualitatively the comments of the novice teachers were analyzed through content analysis. Among the most relevant findings, there were statistically significant differences between male and female teachers in general statistical and probabilistic reasoning. Likewise, the data provided evidence that novice teachers have equiprobability and representativeness biases. In short, both male and female novice teachers were not able to demonstrate sound reasoning in statistical and probabilistic situations. Professional development programs are needed to support teachers, especially novice ones, in the acquisition of probabilistic and statistical reasoning skills

Keywords: Gender, independent sample t-test, novice teachers, statistics education research, statistics and probability, statistical reasoning

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APA 7th edition
Hokor, E.K., Mensah, J.Y., & Rodríguez-Alveal, F. (2023). Novice Elementary Teachers’ Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning: Addressing Misconceptions. Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 2(1), 43-71.

Hokor, E., Mensah, J. and Rodríguez-Alveal, F. (2023). Novice Elementary Teachers’ Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning: Addressing Misconceptions. Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics, 2(1), pp. 43-71.

Chicago 16th edition
Hokor, Evans Kofi, Justice Yawson Mensah and Francisco Rodríguez-Alveal (2023). "Novice Elementary Teachers’ Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning: Addressing Misconceptions". Journal of Educational Studies in Science and Mathematics 2 (1):43-71.

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